Looking back over the year and doing a retrospective over what’s gone on is important to do on regular intervals. I like doing it on my birthday because it happens every year, so I am very clearly reminded of the date. It’s a good time to look back and see where I was last year, what our sales looked like, what our team looked like, how many people we had in our firm, how many people were working with us that maybe aren’t working with us anymore, or how many new people have we added to our team since last year. It’s a good place to have a mile marker to see kind of where I’m at. Also, I want to see how I'm doing on my numbers. How are the finances going in my business? Am I growing or staying flat? Is there something that I can do to get out of that plateau? Is there something that might be missing that I know needs to happen, but I just haven’t gotten around to it because I’m too busy doing urgent things that aren't important? So that’s something that's really important to handle and take a look back, take a deep breath, and say, "OK, next year I’m going to do this." Tomorrow is the first day of the next year.
The other thing that’s important to do is to get your numbers as far as your physical side. Make sure you’ve gone and gotten your annual health check. Make sure your blood pressure is in check, make sure your cholesterol is in check, make sure all of your sugar and all the other key indicators of good health are under control or are within the numbers that are healthy. It’s one of those things that can be very easily prevented to stay ahead of the game, and it will let you know if you’re sliding into a danger zone.
It’s time to make some changes and adjustments. So, you want to make sure that you look at those signposts that come along the way and tell you that you need to make these changes in your life.
You should also take into account how your relationships with your loved ones were last year to this year. How would you get along with your spouse if you’re married or your significant other if you have a partner? How do you get along with them? What is your relationship like? Have you developed a deeper trust? Do you know your partner better than you did before? Have you learned new things about their personality, good and bad? And do you embrace both the good and the bad? Those are things to look at to see which way you’re going in your interpersonal life.
How about your kids? You may have small kids or adult kids. What’s your relationship with them like? It’s important to see how you are handling the relationships with your adult children. Are you their mentor, are you their sounding board? Do they feel comfortable being able to talk to you and tell you the issues that they’re facing and to let you know, “hey, I have this problem and I know you’re going to tell me the way it is and no, I can’t trust anybody else to tell me the truth.” So, you want to be that sounding board and you want to do it in a way that is loving but yet honest. Make sure that you can be there for your adult children like that. Develop that relationship by being a sounding board, listening without judging, and taking a deep breath before you respond when they tell you something that you just get very frustrated about.
For your young children, if they’re little, you want to be their hero. You want to make sure that they know that they’re safe with you, that you are the person who will always have their back. Yes, sometimes you need to be the person who issues punishment, but it’s because you love them, and you want them to grow in a way that is not going to create problems for them in the future.
For the hardest part, the teenagers, you’ve got to thread a thin line because you want to be there for them, you want to let them know that you are open to their ideas, you’re open to their questions, you’re open to them pushing the boundaries but at the same time, you have to put the boundaries, you have to have the guardrails to say, “Look, you’re not quite an adult yet, you can do certain things, but here’s the parameters you need to stay within.” They’re not going to show you, but once they’ve developed these good habits, of following healthy parameters, they’re going to be thankful that these systems were introduced to them and became part of their day-to-day life.
So, not to get too sentimental, but I hope that you’ll take this month and share my birthday by taking a retrospective of what’s gone on in your life in the past year, what’s been the highs, and lows, to embrace the good as a blessing and the bad as a lesson. You're never at a loss as long as you’re learning from whatever problem arises. You only learn again. Reach out to me in Laredo, Texas for asset protection, estate planning, probate and business formation. Until next time!